Sustainable Development
Sustainable Development
Sustainable development for Fendley Consultancy is about our commitment to health, safety, environment and the community.
It is about ensuring our systems, processes and practices give due consideration to social, ethical, legal and economic aspects thereby ensuring long term benefits to our clients and society as a whole. Our commitment assists in ensuring that fendley consultancy retains its reputation as being a leader within the industry and continues to be a viable and competitive organisation.
Fendley Consultancy is committed to ensuring that all operations are conducted in an environmentally responsible manner. Fendley Consultancy strives to ensure compliance with all applicable environmental and petroleum legislative requirements. Fendley Consultancy and its personnel and sub-contractors' activities are planned and conducted to avoid or minimise any adverse effect on the natural environment and social surrounding for the benefit of current and future generations.
Fendley Consultancy is committed to providing a safe working environment for all personnel and visitors. Fendley Consultancy prides itself on being a strong leader in OHS and strives to ensure that it complies with all occupational health and safety legislative requirements and all oil and gas company policies. Fendley Consultancy believes that: • No business objective will take priority over health and safety • All injuries are preventable • No task is so important or urgent that it cannot be done safely • Everyone is responsible for health and safety
Fendley Consultancy has embedded throughout its business and HSE systems a risk management approach. Fendley Consultancy adopts and applies this risk management approach to all services and activities. Fendley Consultancy is committed to ensuring that all HSE risks and hazards are identified, assessed, and managed, and that planned and unplanned changes are identified and managed to assist in establishing and maintaining a safe work environment and sustainable environment.
Fendley Consultancy upholds a zero tolerance to the use of illicit drugs or alcohol on all work sites.
Fendley Consultancy aims to comply at all times with their obligations under the Australian Federal Privacy Act 1988.